CatchLight Studios qhib cov kev pab cuam ntau lawm faib Nuts & Bolts

EXCLUSIVE: CatchLight Studios hnub no tshaj tawm lub community launch ntawm Nuts & Bolts, ib tug tshiab division rau ntau lawm cov kev pab cuam, saib xyuas los ntawm Executive Vice President of Production Yolanda T. Cochran.Nuts & Bolts 'lub hom phiaj yog ua hauj lwm thoob ntiaj teb kev tsim khoom, los ntawm cov kev pab cuam ntau lawm thiab ua raws. cov kev xav tau, rau tag nrho cov kev pabcuam thib peb thiab EP / tus tsim tawm saib xyuas.
Nyob rau thaum ntxov ntawm Covid-19 kis thoob qhov txhia chaw, Cochran tuav lub luag haujlwm ntawm Tus Lwm Thawj Coj Loj ntawm Kev Tsim Kho Nyob Rau Cov Menyuam & Tsev Neeg ntawm ViacomCBS, saib xyuas cov ntawv sau thiab tsis sau ntawv thiab tshwj xeeb rau Nickelodeon thiab AwesomenessTV.Cov haujlwm tseem ceeb suav nrog Paramount +'s iCarly reboot, Nickelodeon's Nick Xov xwm kev txhawb siab, thiab kev tshaj tawm ntawm cov yeeb yaj kiab tshiab Tias Hluas Nkauj Lay thiab NFL Slimetime.
Tus thawj coj qub tub rog yav dhau los ua tus lwm thawj ntawm kev tsim khoom rau Walt Disney Television's Freeform studio thiab network, saib xyuas cov yeeb yaj kiab xws li Cov Teeb Meem Zoo, Hom Bold, Siren thiab Motherland: Fort Salem.Ua ntej ntawd, nws tau ua tus lwm thawj coj ntawm lub cev tsim khoom ntawm Alcon. Kev lom zem, lub tuam txhab Warner Bros.
Cochran's productions muaj xws li Phau Ntawv Eli, Dolphin Tales 1 & 2, Ib Yam Ntxim Saib Ntxim Ua, Zoo Siab Nroj Tsuag, Lottery, Travel Pants Sisterhood 2, Zoo nkauj Creatures, Point Break thiab Dig Muag Spot.In 2016, USC alumni tau tsim cov ntaub ntawv luv luv thiab podcast miniseries hu ua Txhaum iav, uas tau tsom mus rau thiab nrhiav kev daws teeb meem rau kev sib tw ntawm poj niam txiv neej thiab kev ntxub ntxaug hauv kev lom zem kev lag luam.Tam sim no, nws yog tus tsim tsim thiab koom ua tswv cuab ntawm podcast series Dungeons 'N' Durags, kev taug kev comical los ntawm nerdy dub. txiv neej qhov teeb meem ntawm haiv neeg thiab kev ntseeg siab txog cov neeg Amelikas.
Xyoo 2005, Cochran tau sau thiab tsim ib qho kev ywj pheej thriller hu ua Paving the Way with Good Intentions.Lwm cov qhab nia hauv thaj chaw tsim khoom suav nrog Lub Neej, Blue Streak, Nutty Professor II, Coyote Ugly, thiab Dragonfly.Cov qub CPA ua haujlwm rau ntawm cov laug cam ntawm lub Academy of Motion Picture Arts thiab Sciences (ua haujlwm rau Pawg Thawj Coj Saib Xyuas Kev Tswj Xyuas), Academy of TV Arts thiab Sciences, thiab Cov Neeg Tsim Khoom Guild of America.
"Nrog Yolanda txoj kev paub txog cov txiaj ntsig se thiab kev sib raug zoo nrog cov tuam txhab nyiaj txiag, nyiaj txiag, kev pov hwm thiab cov tuam txhab lag luam, Nuts & Bolts yog ib qho tseem ceeb hauv cov chaw tsim khoom," said Jeanette Volturno, Tus Thawj Coj ntawm CatchLight Studios. cov ntawv qhia zaub mov ntawm cov kev pabcuam kev cai los txhawb cov kev xav tau ntawm studios, streaming thiab cov yeeb yaj kiab ywj pheej. "
"Nyob rau hauv ib puag ncig niaj hnub no, peb txoj kev lag luam tau sib tw ntau dua los teeb tsa cov peev nyiaj hauv qib uas ua kom zoo dua qhov chaw ua haujlwm rau kev ua tiav tag nrho nrog rau cov neeg ua haujlwm ntev, thaum khaws tib lub tswv yim hauv siab, Nuts & Bolts muab kev pabcuam kev txawj ntse thiab kev pom zoo. mus dhau ib txwm tsim khoom, "Cochran ntxiv. "Peb muab kev daws teeb meem rau cov tuam txhab loj, studios thiab cov tsev tsim khoom ywj pheej zoo ib yam, muab kev txhawb nqa loj thiab txhim khu kev qha rau kev tshaj tawm thiab xa cov haujlwm no raws sijhawm."
Founded hauv Los Angeles thaum Lub Ib Hlis 2020, CatchLight Studios yog tsim los ntawm cov neeg tsim khoom xws li Marcei A. Brown, Jason Clark, Jessica Malanaphy, Rick A. Osako thiab Volturno nrog cov ntaub ntawv pov thawj hauv kev tsim kho thiab kev tsim lub cev. Nws thawj zaug tso tawm yog Adas Mason's nrov thriller Songbird rau STX Films.Lub tuam txhab nyuam qhuav tso tawm kws sau ntawv-tus thawj coj Iris K. Shim's horror film Umma, starring Sandra Oh, Dermot Mulroney, Fiver Stewart thiab Odeya Rush;thiab tus kws sau ntawv-tus thawj coj Chris Cullari thiab Jennifer Raite's Saban Films thriller ntawm Sony's Theem 6 The Aviary, ua yeeb yam Malin Akerman, Lorenza Izzo, Chris Messina thiab Sandrine Holt.Tom ntej no cov npe suav nrog Tim Story's The Blackening for MRC, sau los ntawm Tracy Oliver thiab Dewayne Perkins;Russell Crowe's Poker Face, sau los ntawm Stephen Coates rau Arclight;Christian Ditter's The Present, sau los ntawm Jay Martel rau AGC;thiab Chris Pine The Poolman, los ntawm Pine thiab Ian Gotler.
Hnub kawg yog ib feem ntawm Penske Media Corporation.© 2022 Hnub Kawg Hollywood LLC.txhua txoj cai.

Post lub sij hawm: Lub Xya hli ntuj-29-2022